How to apply for a tax deadline extension in 3 simple steps

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How to apply for a tax deadline extension in 3 simple steps

If you are unable to submit your tax return on time, you must apply for an extension of the deadline. While the procedure for a tax deadline extension varies from canton to canton, you can ensure a successful application by following these 3 simple steps.

Tax deadline extension

Are you unable to file your tax return on time? Then you should definitely apply for a deadline extension. Otherwise, you will not only have trouble with the tax authorities, but may face criminal tax consequences as well. The application procedure varies from canton to canton.

1. Inform yourself about your canton

As a first step, you should clarify the most important open questions regarding your canton of residence. By when do you have to apply for a tax deadline extension? Does it have to be submitted by postal mail or can you apply online? Until when is an extension granted?

You will find the answers on the tax website of your canton of residence. To make your search easier, we have compiled a list of the most important deadlines.

Despite the cantonal differences, certain regularities can be observed throughout Switzerland with regard to tax deadlines. In a majority of cantons, the ordinary deadline for submitting the tax return for natural persons is March 31. An extension is possible until December 31 at latest, although it is shorter in most cantons.

2. Have all documents ready for filling out the application

The next step is to gather all the documents and data required to apply for an extension of the deadline. Depending on whether the extension has to be submitted by postal mail or online, the information required will be more or less extensive.

Example: In the city of Zurich, for example, the tax deadline extension can be applied for in three different ways. Written applications may be sent by postal mail to the tax office of the city of Zurich. If you submit your extension request online, you must provide two numbers (personal ID and document ID), both of which can be found on the first page of the tax return, and an e-mail address. It is even easier to scan the QR code printed on the tax return. In this case, the taxpayer is taken directly to the application form and the required information is filled in automatically.

Once you have gathererd all the relevant information, you can complete and submit the extension application.

3. Checking whether or not it has worked

Once you have submitted your request for an extension of the deadline, it may take a while for it to be granted. If you do not receive a reply within a given period, you should ask the relevant tax authority about the status of your application.

Your application has been approved? Congratulations, you have made it. Thanks to the approved extension request, you now have more time to file your tax return. However, you should still make every effort to complete this task as quickly as possible.

Do you need help with your tax deadline extension or completing your tax return? The specialists at taxea are happy to assist you at any time with their comprehensive expertise.

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