Tax Return Berne 2020

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Tax Return Berne 2020

The canton of Berne is well known for the Aare, the Gurten Festival and Europe's highest railway station, the Jungfraujoch. On a less pleasant note, Berne is also one of the cantons with the highest tax rates in the country. Inform yourself now about the Berne 2020 tax return.

Highest profit tax

With an ordinary profit tax of 21.6 percent, the city of Berne is the cantonal capital with the highest tax burden for companies in Switzerland. Only Sion in Valais has a tax burden of the same magnitude. The single municipalities within the canton of Berne are not cheap either. Companies located in the municipality of Schelten in the Bernese Jura pay the most (23.4 percent). With a profit tax burden of 20 percent, Deisswil is the least expensive municipality in the canton of Berne. In an intercantonal comparison, however, even this percentage is still quite high. Companies based in Berne pay almost twice as much as companies based in the tax haven of Appenzell Innerrhoden (11.5 to 12.7 percent depending on the dividend distribution).

Top tax rate of 42.2 percent

The canton of Berne is an expensive place for natural persons as well. At least if one has considerable financial means at disposal. The top tax rate in the capital is 41.4 percent, which puts Berne in 23rd place in an intercantonal comparison. People who live in the municipality of Schelten pay 45.7 percent, while the lowest top tax rate is again in Deisswil at 37.2 percent.

Inform yourself about the income tax rates in the canton of Berne.

Although the canton of Berne is not cheap when it comes to taxes, the tax burden can be massively reduced by planning ahead and making clever deductions. Here you will find an overview of the most important tax deductions.

Types of taxes in the Berne tax return

In addition to the income tax, individuals in Switzerland must pay the wealth tax and, under certain circumstances, a number of other types of taxes. Legal entities may also be subject to VAT or stamp duties in addition to the profit and capital tax.

Find out here which taxes you have to pay.

Did you know? In the canton of Berne, taxpayers can complete their tax return online using the TaxMe-Online software.

Still questions about the tax return Berne? The specialists at taxea are happy to assist you with their comprehensive expertise.

Source: NZZ: «Wo 2020 die Steuern für Firmen und Privatpersonen am günstigsten sind» from February 6, 2020

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