Basel, the city on the Rhine, is known for its cathedral, the speciality Basler-Läckerli and the pharmaceutical giants Roche and Novartis. But Basel also has some special features to offer in terms of taxation. Inform yourself now about the Basel tax return.
Standard tax rate for companies
A standard tax rate of 13 percent constitutes the ordinary profit tax for companies in the canton of Basel-Stadt. The city on the Rhine is thus 2 percentage points below the national average of 15 percent. In an intercantonal comparison, Basel ranks 8th among the cantons with the lowest tax rates for companies. Companies that make use of the patent box can reduce their tax rate to up to 11 percent. The tax rate of 13 percent has been in force in Basel-Stadt since the Basel compromise on corporate taxation was accepted by the population and came into force (retroactively) on January 1, 2019.
High top tax rate in intercantonal comparison
The top income tax rate for individuals in the canton of Basel-Stadt ranges between 40.5 percent (Basel capital) and 36.8 percent (Bettingen). These percentages make Basel one of the most expensive tax domiciles in Switzerland. By way of comparison, the top tax rate in Basel is almost twice as high as in the tax haven of Baar in the Canton of Lucerne (22.1 percent). In an intercantonal comparison, Basel ranks 22nd in terms of top tax rates. The reason for the high burden is the acceptance of the popular initiative launched by the Young Socialists for higher taxation of top earners.
The rate of income tax in the canton of Basel-Stadt is 21.75 francs per 100 francs of taxable income. This rate applies up to an income of 201,500 francs for singles and 403,100 francs for couples. Those with a higher income are subject to a higher tax rate. You can use the tax rate table of the canton of Basel-Stadt to estimate the taxes owed.
Types of taxes in the Basel-Stadt tax return
In addition to the income tax, individuals in Switzerland must pay the wealth tax and, under certain circumstances, a number of other types of taxes. Legal entities may also be subject to VAT or stamp duties in addition to the profit and capital tax.
Find out here which taxes you have to pay.
Did you know? Taxpayers of the canton of Basel-Stadt can submit their tax return online via BalTax.
4.2 billion in tax revenue
According to the latest comprehensive tax statistics, the canton of Basel-Stadt generated tax revenues in the amount of 4.2 billion (2017). Of this amount, 1129 million came from the income tax, 260 million are the result of the wealth tax and 442 million came from the withholding tax. Of the revenue generated, around 32 percent flow (2018) into education annually, 20 percent are used for social security and the remaining amount is used to finance various state cost areas such as transport, culture, sport and leisure.
Want to know how high your taxes will be? The canton of Basel-Stadt offers various tax calculators to help taxpayers calculate their tax burden.
- Natural persons (ordinary taxation)
- Legal entities
- Withholding tax (Comparis)
Still questions about the Basel tax return? The specialists at taxea are happy to assist you with their comprehensive expertise.
Source: NZZ: «Wo 2020 die Steuern für Firmen und Privatpersonen am günstigsten sind» from February 6, 2020; Steuerstatistik Basel-Stadt (Ausgabe 2020)