Voucher for your Tax Return

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Voucher for your Tax Return

As a promotion, we are providing a limited number of vouchers worth CHF 100 for private individuals and companies.

Voucher Tax Consultant Switzerland

Fill out the form and we will send you the voucher worth CHF 100 by mail.

Important: The voucher for a taxea tax consultant in Switzerland can be used for your private or business tax return and is valid until December 31, 2021. The voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers or promotions and can only be used to process your tax return via the www.taxea.ch platform.

Submit your tax return!

Entrust your tax return to a competent taxea specialist. Our specialists will take care of your tax return and maximise your tax deductions.

Nexus Check
Competent specialists
Nexus Check
Transparent prices
Nexus Check
Friendly advice
Nexus Check
Tax optimisation
Nexus Check
Interdisciplinary expertise
Nexus Check
Legally compliant processing
Submit tax return
Voucher for taxea tax advice in Switzerland
Enter your contact details here and we will send you the voucher.
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